About concierge nursing - private nursing care in home after surgery and chronic care

What is Concierge Nursing?

Curious about concierge nursing? Concierge healthcare is a relatively new concept in general, but especially on the nursing side. When we first started our business (and still), there were very few other businesses offering this service that we could look to. In fact, we developed our business idea out of the need we saw in our community for this service. There were several doctors offering concierge and telemedicine, especially since the beginning of the pandemic created a greater need for private, personalized care, but very few nurses were offering this. When someone approached me about needing in-home nursing care after a surgery, I thought, “well, why not?”

So what Does a concierge nurse Do?

A concierge nurse is a registered nurse (RN) that is able to provide personalized care to clients in a variety of settings – from your home to a hotel room or AirBnB, and more. As independently practicing nurses, we can provide any service within our scope of practice. Essentially, we’re here to support your overall health and healing while working alongside your doctor, just as we would in a hospital or physician’s office.

Specifically, our highly trained and passionate team of nurses can help with cases like any of the following:

  • Chronic Care
  • Post-op Recovery
  • Case Management for Injuries
  • Medication Monitoring
  • Infusions and Injections
  • Postpartum and Newborn Care
  • Premature Infant Transition Home
  • Wound Care
  • And much more!

But we also go above and beyond that…

The truth is, as a boutique concierge nursing agency, our goal is always to do more than just fulfill your doctors’ orders. We want to help you achieve your desired results while providing the highest level of care, comfort and convenience to suit your needs. We know concierge nursing is a luxury, and we want to pamper you and provide the ultimate customized patient experience! It’s healthcare for your lifestyle.

Aside from traditional nursing, we can provide a variety of services that enhance your overall wellness, too, like IV hydration, B12 injection therapy, and Functional Nutrition therapy.

So what can I expect from concierge nursing care?

Nursing that goes beyond the doctor’s office

The short amount of time you spend with your physician and nurses in the office is most often not enough to give you the comprehensive care you need, whether it’s recovery after a surgery or day-to-day life with a chronic condition. Our nurses can help bridge the gap to bring you a higher level of care and help you reach your health and wellness goals faster.

Comprehensive care that comes to you

Whether you’re facing a complicated health matter or just your regular busy schedule, it’s not always easy to make it in to an appointment. Our nurses can come to you, wherever you are. We can even come to your office when time is short! Traveling for a surgery? We can come with you! This not only helps ease the burden on you and your caretakers, but also helps you focus all your attention on recovery with peace of mind.

Luxe add-ons for the ultimate experience

What’s a concierge service without a little luxury? We go above and beyond to bring you peace of mind and take as much off your plate as possible. Before a surgery, we can arrange your hotel stay and even offer a discounted rate at select local hotels. During and after, our nurses help you with transportation to and from surgery; assistance with meals, bed linens, garments and showering; and can even attend your doctor’s appointments with you.

All this is to say, a concierge nurse has a lot to offer! If you have a surgery coming up, elective or doctor ordered, or if you or a loved one is battling an illness or chronic condition, consider adding a concierge nurse to your care plan – you won’t regret it!

Want to learn more and see if it’s a right fit for you? Schedule a complimentary discovery call to discuss and assess your needs.

Decision Critical is a boutique concierge nursing agency based in Baton Rouge, LA providing custom tailored healthcare solutions for clients in a variety of settings. Learn more about us, or schedule a complimentary discovery call to see what services are right for you. 

About concierge nursing - private nursing care in home after surgery and chronic care
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